General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club

Met April 3rd, 2018 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. President Jerry Morrison opened the meeting at 6:58 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson 25 members and the magnificently bearded Dan Burge from Peachland was present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by a show of hands.

Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:

Suggested that Gerry Morrison’s phone number be put the postcards with the clubs contact info etc. on front and back for handout at events instead of Ernie Erickson’s.


     Letter from Capri Insurance confirming the club’s insurance coverage for 2018.


      Membership Report by Donna Smith.

30 families are currently paid up members in good standing.  14 Life timers in good standing 3 Honorary members in good standing.

There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct. However there is half price deal if joining the club from May 1st. on till end of season.

Treasurer’s Report by Mary Erickson,

Income………. $______________ Expenses………..$__________ Balance……..$_____________.

BC Open Report  by Jonathon Paull

Jonathon Paul is making up a list of volunteers for the BC Open tasks. Some of the tasks are: registration, score keeper, door prizes and trophies, lunches, bannock, games, metal detecting, learn-to-pan, grudge match, pan charger, judges, flat pan, set-up and take down. We have some volunteers now but if you are willing, get in touch with Jonathon Paull at ph. #; 250-803-6222: or, email:

Raffle tickets are now available for sale. Please see Gerry Morrison to get the books of tickets as Donna will be away until the May Meeting.: email, or phone # 250- 545-6836. We need to sell as many of these as we can to make the BC Open a financial success for the club!                                                              Kudos to Ken Montie and Mike Spotten for making up fine nugget prize boxes for the BC Open Gold Panning Championships!                                  We are looking forward to a successful BC Open in 2018 on the May long weekend. Please find it in your heart to volunteer to help in 2018.

New Business:

Donna Smith moved we put the club website address on the handout cards for contact info and put the contact phone #s and emails on the website so cards could be used in future as well, as the new ones will have no date, only the May long weekend..Also that Mary Erickson is given money to make up 1500 new cards using this on the amended format. Seconded by Wayne Thompson. Discussed, voted on and passed.

Pat Yonkman moved that we pass on doing the gold panning event at the O’Keefe ranch this year unless they make a specific request. Seconded by Terry Regeir. Discussed, voted on and passed.

Jerry/ Donna moved we have a special speed panning event limited to the experts at this year’s BC Open Gold panning event. Seconded by Ken Montie. Discussed, voted on and passed.

Pat Yonkman moved we reimburse the club baker for costs with making treats for the club members. Seconded by Gerry Morrison. Discussed, voted on and passed.


The gold cleanup date for this year is set for July 21st and 22nd at Pat and Louie Yonkman’s place.

Brent Zvonarich has lost a sucker bottle with gold in it in Mission Creek; it floated under the creek ice.

Club outing and picnic august eleventh and twelfth at the community campsite at Spence’s Bridge.


There was a show and tell. Included was a collection of gold jewelry and keepsakes by Donna Smith, display of nugget boxes from Ken Montie and a dry washer by Mike McKenzie.

     Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:

Best Wishes for a happy birthday for April 2018 go out to: Mike Bjerstedt   Brian Callaghan    Brian Petryshen    Lynn Eggers    Beverly Harding     Sylvia Thompson    Vi Turner

SORRY TO REPORT: the death of Marilyn Wallis, club member.

VPM yearly YARD SALE will be in May this year instead of April… Friday May 4 and Sat. May 5th. It is a bring your own tables, and it is $5 a day. Can be stuff like an ordinary yard sale. Across the road from the Performing Arts (Rec Center)

John MacFarlane won the first nugget door prize, and Sherrie LaValley the second nugget prize.

Terry Regier won the 50/50 draw $36.00.

The meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Political Liaison and Information CommitteeReport by Rick Peterson

The govt. is quiet right now about prospecting and mining. It’s like when you have a new puppy: it’s when they’re quiet that trouble may be brewing.

You can get in touch with Rick at1-250-681-0908 or email: