General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met December 5, 2023 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. Get together for Christmas dinner. A short election held at beginning. ________ members were in attendance.
Executive Elections: by Louis Yonkman
Our newly elected executive is:
- President———-Donna Smith
- Vice President—–Mike McKenzie
- Treasurer———–Donna Smith
- Secretary———–Cal Olsson
- P. Membeership—Donna Smith
- Political Liason & Information Committee Chairman
——Rick Peterson
- Telephone Committee Chaiman—-Jerry Stainer
New Business:
It was a fine dinner! Special Thanks to everyone who brought those delicious potluck offerings. Also to the volunteers who cooked up the gravy, the ham, and the mashed potatoes. It was delightful to get together with friends, and catch up on how they are doing; and see some of the gold harvested last season and share the goings on in our local gold fields. I even chuckled at some new jokes and saw some new propecting tools being used with success.A honorary membership and shield was presented to Brenda Morrison .
The first nugget door prize was won by _______________
The second nugget door prize by ____________________
The third nugget door prize by ___________________
- Donna announced that our next meeting will be the first tuesday in February. Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night!
……Vernon Placer Miners Assoc.…Mission Statement
- Promote placer mining and prospecting
- Use best practices available for placer prospecting and mining.
- Respect nature; prospecting and mining in an environmentally sustainable way.
- Support and encourage all those seeking a partial or complete living through placer prospecting and mining activity.
- Promoting recreational placer prospecting and mining with good fellowship.