General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met February 6th, 2017 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. President Gerry Morrison opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson 35 members and 5 guests; Rob and Pat Corey from Kelowna, John McFarlane of Winfield and a placer miner from Edmonton attended the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Corrections: Gerry said he was going to look into the white trailer’s condition not buy it; Jonathan Paull’s name was written as Alan Paul ( my old mine foreman) instead of Jonathan Paull as it should be. After corrections : the minutes were adopted by a show of hands.
Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Membership dues to the BCPMA paid
Update on the postcards with the clubs contact info etc. on front and back for handout at events and such. Jonathan Paull is going to try again to see if his wife, a graphic designer will do up the cards
Ernie Erickson has Diane Fulbrook’s media contact list Although it seems a bit out of date he sent it to the BC Open President to use.
Letter from BC Registration and Online Service confirmation of filing 2017 annual non profit societies report.
Letter from BC Registration and Online Services re minding to file a report in 2018
Invoice from Enderby and District Chamber of Commerce for $275.00 for BC Open advertisement in the Regional Travel Guide and Itinerary planner. Mary said this was already paid.
Membership Report by Donna Smith.
29 families are currently paid up members in good standing.
15 Life timers in good standing
3 Honorary members in good standing.
There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct. However there is half price deal if joining the club from May 1st. on till end of season.
Treasurer’s Report by Mary Erickson,
Income………. $______________ Expenses………..$__________ Balance……..$_____________, Adopted by a show of hands
BC Open Report by Jonathan Paull
Mary Erickson has applied for this year’s BC Open Gold Panning Championship gaming license.
Raffle tickets this year will be in groups of 20 rather than 10’s like last year.
Rick Peterson has an ongoing ad on Castanet about the BC Open.
This year, 2018 going back to awarding larger gold nugget prizes to the winners at the BC Open gold panning Championship rather than the trophies. However we’ll still give out the Elton memorial trophy and a perhaps a couple others. The money saved can be used to purchase even bigger nugget prizes. Mike Spotten has volunteered to do up the prize boxes.
Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped make the BC Open such a enormous success in 2017 we are looking forward to an even more successful BC Open in 2018. Please find it in your heart to volunteer again to help in 2018.
New Business:
Ernie Erickson moved that we have a survey sheet for those who sign up at the BC Open. The question would be ‘how did you hear about the BC Open? Donna suggested a draw be held of those who did the survey, for a free club membership, and a tangible small prize, Seconded by Cindy Rachwalski; discussed; voted on; passed.
A motion was put forward to buy a gorgeous gold and diamond necklace from Mary Erickson for $400.00 (nine hundred dollar or more value) to be first prize in the BC Open raffle. Seconded by Terry Regier. Discussed, voted on and passed.
Ernie moved that Lorne be asked to do up a couple of card samples (like Karen showed us that the Lapidary Club uses) for the club to choose one of them to go with. Seconded by Mary Erickson, discussed, voted on ,passed.
Lorne Tkaczyk thanked everyone for their help making the Christmas party so enjoyable. Hopes someone will step forward to co-ordinate our next one.
Check on your reservations for this year’s BC Open at the Enderby Riverside RV Park to make sure they are ok.
Terry Regier said we should try to get more up front notice for doing panning events like those Okeefe ranch, and village green mall asked us to do.
Donna Smith requested a couple (or more) volunteers to go around to business’s for support donations for the silent auction at the BC Open. The guest couple from Kelowna volunteered to go around to the wineries in the Kelowna area. Gerry Morrison volunteered to do one of the list Donna had and the Lumby/Coldstream area and Tim Hortons. Donna still needs one more volunteer so is still looking for someone.
Keep June 8th to 10th open on your calendar to attend Lumby Days event. It’s a lot of fun with free camping, panning tubs and hopefully Ted Turner will drive his vintage truck in the parade with our banner.
Donna is going to talk to Mike Bjerstadt about getting Ernies phone number taken off the BC Open poster on the website as he gets calls for reservations at the Enderby Riverside RV Park
We had a talk by the old Brush Popper about two applications for counting colors:
Discussion about making up pay dirt vials for ‘teaching panning’ and panning competitions: by mesh size versus weight of the gold, (reference to gold size cards and loop with scale).
When prospecting, see following example: (Click for a larger version)
Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:
Club condolences: Sherie Lavalley’s father passed.
Best Wishes for a happy birthday for February 2018 go out to:
Ken Cuffe- Alan Walls- Amber MacKenzie- Alan Wood- Attila Vasarhelyi
Mike McKenzie won the first nugget door prize, and John McFarlane the second., which he generously donated back to the club.
Wayne Thompson won the 50/50 draw $35.25. He generously donated this back to the club for Mike to use in making up the gold nugget prize boxes for the BC Open Gold Panning Championships
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Peterson
Rick reported on the BCPMA general meeting October 21th ,2017 at the Coast Hotel in Kamloops (See the 3 pdf attachments for review). If you have any questions or comments_____ you can get in touch with Rick at1-250-681-0908
political liason and Information Committee 11Report