General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met June 6, 2023 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. Vice President Attila Vasarhelyi opened the meeting at 7:18 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. There was 12 members in attendance. The minutes of the last meeting were read. Rick Peterson moved the minutes be accepted as read , seconded by Merv Mathers , voted on, passed.
Correspondence: by Donna Smith
-Wayne Douglas donated $100.00 towards the club insurance.
-Email invitation to attend the Alberta Gold Prospectors Gold Prospectors Gala.
-Mike Bjerstadt has made up some flashy stickers to use to advertise club members.
Five dollars per sticker for suggested donation. All monies go to club
Membership and Social news Report by Donna Smith.
-28 families are currently paid up members in good standing.
-14 Life timers in good standing
-2 Honorary member in good standing.
-There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct.
Birthdays: Happy Birthday to Joan Bailey, Donna Jenner, Michael MacKenzie and Cal Olsson.
Treasurer’s Report by Donna Smith
Income………. $_BC Open revenue plus on hand total________ Expenses..$ for bc open gold plus insurance and miscellaneous______ Balance..$____Moved to adopt by Louie Yonkman , seconded by Rick Peterson, passed.
Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
-There was a good write up, submitted by Donna, in the paper about the BC Open. Global news reporter showed up and we had a section of the local evening news filled about the BC Open. After seeing it on the news the famous Pogorevc, Val and Ljusmila, now living in Lumby, came out on Sunday to renew valued old acquaintances.
BC Open Comittee Report by Donna Smith,
BC Open World Gold Panning Championships took place Saturday May 20, and Sunday May 21,2023. Set up on Friday May19th.
A shoutout of gratitude to all the volunteers who made this years open a success.
-Donna who did the metal detecting and silent auction brought in enough to cover the club’s insurance for another year. She said even if she does nothing else, she will do the metal detecting twice next year.
-Kim Creed who instigated a concession stand and came up with the wonderful figures of many of the members posted around the site..
-Rick Peterson who did a super job with the learn to pan, and Terry Regier with an entertaining dirt toss, especially memorable for the little gaffers.
-Louie and Pat with their mighty sons Wayne and Rick, reliable and strong. Cindy Rachwalski with the registration.
-The Bjerstadts Mike and Liana doing the numbers and a terrific job of announcing.
-Attila Vasarhelyi for stepping in for Gerry Morrison.
-thanks to all the sponsors that donated prizes, some members and their very generous donations, (especially Sherie LaValley) and the businesses that have continued to support us.
-And of course Jerry Stainer doing the actual gold panning events with Sherrie Lavalley and Bill Allen and Louie judging.
-Not to forget those Alberta flat panners and Ken Montie for getting that up and running…and many others: thank you all , an excellent job well done!
-after the BC Open is over the 2023 Champion Gold Panner’s name can be put on the silver plaque on the Great Trophy by an engraver. One engraver is Bob Desi at Authentic Trophies, phone number 250-558-xxxx.
New Business:
-Merv Mathers moved that we buy a 10′ X 10′ pop-up tent with zippers and screens on the sides. Can be used at the open. Seconded by Ken Montie, Discussed voted on and passed.
-Donna and Jerry bought us a membership in the Alberta Gold Prospector group when they were out there to the gold panning event. Now we can stay in contact with those Alberta placer miners as well.
-Rick Peterson moved we do the gold cleanup of the BC Open gravel on July 29th at Pat and Louie Yonkmans. Louie generously volunteered the location. Seconded by Cal Olsson, discussed voted on and passed.
-what Donna got out of the Alberta panning club was: 8 minutes is way too long. Donna suggested it drop to 6 minutes or even less for the Professionals, as on the playoffs, it is only 4 minutes. That will help illiminate quite so many rounds. She also suggested a fun way to open the BC Games with a balloon pop for a nugget for the kids. We also needed flags to mark the area for metal detecting. Liana Bjerstadt said they have some.
-it was decided to make a plaque to be presented to Brenda from the Gold Panning club
-there will be a Celebration of life for Gerry Morrison July 15 Lakers Clubhouse. It will be a picnic theme with a gourmet hotdog bar. Not sure the time yet but in the afternoon/evening as Brenda has it booked until 10pm.
-This is last meeting till October. Have a good season, hope to see you out on the creeks or wherever you enjoy the challenge of the great outdoors!|
-Louie Yonkman volunteered to investigate old trailer at ‘works’ yard in Enderby and get rid of it, if possible.
-Thanks to all who showed up for the outing to claim on the Kettle River June 2,3,4 for prospecting/ panning! Bella said she wished a few more dogs had put in an appearance. Hope everyone found it interesting.
-Please let Brenda know if you will be attending the celebration of life for Gerry.
-Won’t be doing the O’Keefe ranch event this year as no volunteer to take it on and not enough gold to do it at the moment.
-Outing on August 12th and 13th to the Forestry campsite that used to be the old Castrucow claim on kettle river near new bridge.
Celebration at coffee time- had some treats, to savor the BC Open success. Donna bought two icecreams and mini muffins, Attila brought special chocolates.
-Otto Breckreuitz won the 50/50 draw $28.50.
-Liana Bjerstadt won the first gold nugget door prize.
-Otto Breckreuitz won the second gold nugget door prize.
Vice President Attila Vasarhelyi adjourned the meeting at 9:01 PM.
Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Peterson
Rick said all is quiet on the political front currently, waiting to hear back how the BCPMA President’s meeting in Kamloops with the ministry officials went.