March 7th Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners.

Meeting opened at 7:00 by Ernie Erickson

Attendance- 31 people
3 new guests Tom, David and Dorothy
Also returning New Members Brenda and Jerry Morrison.

Minutes read by Karen MacKenzie
Correction to the minutes, my mistake regarding the collection of donations for door prizes and silent auction made by Donna Smith. Donna corrected me saying she is in charge, but was just informing the designated helpers that it is time to start collections.  Donna also corrected the spelling for Jerry STAINER, AND NOT STRAINER.
Motioned by Lorne Tkaczyk
Seconded by Louie Yonkman

Treasurer’s Report read by Mary Erickson
Contact Mary if you wish to know the details.
Motioned by Sherie Lavalley
Seconded by Karen MacKenzie

Membership and Social News read by Donna Smith

Memberships Paid Up- 30
Honorary Memberships- 3
Lifetime Memberships 15

Birthdays for the month of March
    Greg Byron    Bill Harding    David Eggers     Mel Huizinga     Merv Mathers    Diane Fulbrook
    John Stelfox     Dan Hurd  
Happy Birthday Everyone.

Old Business
     Lumby Days June 9-11th  Camping available for volenteers
    We will have a learn to Pan  booth and Float for Parade.
    Volunteers in Costumes would be appreciated

    Ernie and Lorne are stepping down, Still looking for someone to step forward to learn the ropes  of President and Running the BC Open. Its so easy to learn how to speak in front of a group, and feel relaxed after a few tries. Donna said how when she was president, she was new to the club then too, and was so nervous,  her dentures were loose,she kept her hand near her mouth just incase her teeth flew out and dropped on the table in front of her. She persisted, and got to know some of the members, and slowly felt more at ease. She said the reason she quit presidency was because  Jerry was on phone committee, and she wanted to be on memberships to help him. Vice President and President will be assisting the new one that steps don’t be afraid to submit your name in October when we have our elections.

Lorne is looking for someone to take over the BC Open committee..We need a figure head to keep thing running smoothly, and keep the ones you delegate for a job running smoothly and on time.

New Business

Insurance is paid up, close to the same price as last year.  It covers all club sanctioned trips, outings and club events. It runs about $1300.00 a year, so we need to sell those tickets to cover the cost of the prizes and the insurance for the year.

Yearly Yard Sale Friday and Saturday April 21-22 in the Parking Lot Across from the Preforming Arts Center in Vernon. (near the Rec Center)  $5 per  day, per Family, Bring as Many Tables as you would like.  Excellent way to do some Spring Cleaning.  What you sell, you get to keep your money, and it doesn’t have to be gold panner stuff you sell.

MacDonald Claim status?  Word is the site has been cleaned up.  Update for next Meeting..but Donna said she would look into it.   ** I have, and Linda said it going to be kept in the it is still an active claim.

B.C. Open Competition News by Lorne Tkaczyk

Mary Erickson will be stepping down from running Flat Pan Competition and Volunteer Lunch after this Championship.  She is looking for Help for the Lunch this BC Open.  She will still run the Metal Detecting Competitions.  

Volunteers Needed for the BC Open, 
Sign up Sheet will be available for the next meeting, or you can  email right now and get on the list to help

See Donna Smith for Ticket Books for the B.C. Open Nuggets, Gold/Silver Miner’s Coin and the Bear.
10 tickets instead of 20 in a book now..
$10 a Book makes it Easier to sell a Book, Sell Lots. It will also help repay for the C-Can we use for storage.


Bev Quist sent a letter to the Club regarding a course being given on how to use the new MapPlace2 for mapping claims and different layering for maps.  You definitely got to have deep pockets to attend though.

Political Report given by Rick Peterson
       No Report this month as Rick was not at the meeting.

Gold Nugget Draw for 2 Nuggets this Month
Kim Creed won the first one and Don Shusheski won the second one

50/50 Draw
Ken Monte

Meeting adjourned at 8pm for a presentation.  

Presentation and Slide Show on Tertiary Claim by Cal Olsson