General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met May 2, 2017 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. President Ernie Erickson opened the meeting at 7:05 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. 30 members and 4 guests from Vernon The minutes of the last meeting were adopted by a show of hands.
Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
1. Denis has set it up at the Riverside RV Park in Enderby so we have a section for club members near the events area. He’s put people in the same sites as last year but check with him just to be sure your reservation is made.
2. Pat Yonkman has set it up with the Okeefe Ranch Heritage days so we do the gold panning part of the event on July 23rd, 2017. They would also like us to put on a bannock baking contest as well. Terry Regier, Rick Peterson, Al Goodfellow, and probably Pat and Louie Yonkman will be attending to co-ordinate the event. Pat is going to make up some bags of high-test bannock premixed for use at the contest. Any other volunteers would be appreciated For the past 10 years Okeefe has donated a season’s pass door prize for the BC Open so let’s reciprocate their generosity!
3. Merv Mathers has updated all the winners’ names on the trophies on display at the Enderby Chamber of Commerce. Also may help put plaques on this year’s trophies; winner one side and sponsor on the other.
Correspondence: by Donna Smith.
Nada not even an email.
Membership Report by Donna Smith.
32 families are currently paid up members in good standing.
13 Life timers in good standing
3 Honorary members in good standing.
There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct. However there is half price deal if joining the club from May 1st. on till end of season. Guests are welcome.
Treasurer’s Report by Mary Erickson.
Income………. $______________ Expenses……….$__________ Balance…….$_____________, Adopted by a show of hands
BC Open Report by Lorne Tkaczyk.
It’s now set up so any interested vendors can get permission to set up by working directly with the Enderby Chamber of Commerce Get in touch with Lorne at or phone 250-852-2961
Donna is passing out the raffle ticket books. Get as many as you can handle! There is a prize for the one who sells the most tickets; don’t let Ernie take it again this year!
Need minimum 10 people to set up on Friday
Lorne is getting the C-Can moved over by the event area
Ernie has assured that that the Lions Club will be putting on the pancake breakfast for every annual upcoming BC Open Gold Panning Championships in Enderby.
Volunteer checkout:
Registration—-TBA & Cindy
Door prizes and silent auction, trophy sponsors—-Donna
Flat panning, metal detecting–Mary E. and miner from Alta
Grudge match——-Al Goodfellow
BC Open Judges—-Sherie, Ernie, Louie, Bill Allen
Timers—Sherie, Ernie
Charger—Jerry Stainer
Raffle Tickets—Donna
Bannock—Pat, (possible celebrity judges), wood by Ken M
Dirt Toss –Terry
Pan Throw—TBA
Staking claims—Barb
Teach Gold Panning—Rick, Cal
Crowd control Sherriff—Merv Mathers
Liana Bjerstadt will be running the numbers.
New Business:
The gravel gold cleanup and picnic is set for July 15th and 16th of 2017.
We are considering where we should go on a club outing this year. We had a good time at Spence’s Bridge last year .Some suggestions are Whatchan, Goat River, or Tranquille. What do you think?
We are going to Lumby days again this year. Ted Turner has volunteered to let us ride in his truck in the parade again. It’s on June 9th & 10th 2017. Will you come and help out with the panning? Let Ernie know by the first meeting in June if you’re coming; the camping is free, it’s a super event, come see the elephant!
The yard sale last month went well. All of Elton’s prospecting/mining equipment that Ted Turner was selling as Elton’s legacy to the club, sold. This included the world famous flat pan that went for thirty five dollars!
Donna Smith has lined up two guest presenters for this fall. First is a corporation leader with an amazing placer gold and mineral collection. The other a member of Big Al’s crew of Yukon Gold fame. Very interesting: you won’t want to miss it!
Ernie and the rest of our club members expressed our thanks to Merv Mathers for the fine trophy he made up in memory of Elton Garey for the Junior Champion winner.
We have up to three years to pay off the loan from Louie and Pat as well as Ernie and Mary for the purchase of the C Can. Let’s try to get it done as soon as possible!
Mike McKenzie shared info that the Okanagan Treasure Hunters are having their metal detecting gala in Penticton on September 8th & 9th. Seventy treasure seekers pay $ 95.00 each to participate. There is $7,000.00 in prizes. On the Friday there is a hunt in the dark at only $2.00 per entry. The group would like to add gold panning to the event and wonder if we would like to get involved.
Wonderful news! Dirk and Cobi from Holland will be here again this year at the BC Open to help out with the teaching gold panning which is Dirks forte.
Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:
Best Wishes for a happy birthday for May 2017 go out to:
Bill Allan Patricia Smith Kim Creed Heather Hopson Joseph Kubiny
Ted Turner Sherie LaValley Pat Yonkman
Best wishes for a happy return to health go out to Wayne Holtskog in the Kamloops hospital.
Best of luck goes out to Karen McKenzie with her upcoming operation next week!
Al Goodfellow won the 1st nugget door prize.
Ken Cuffe won the 2nd nugget door prize
Terry Regier won the 50/50 draw $35.00.
The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Petersen
1. Update #8 : the ministry has decided to give you a raise, up to $40 per hr. for a foreman and $30 per hour for a laborer.
2. The ministry is once again trying to squeeze more revenue from placer prospector/mining activity. Rick is following the discussions closely to see what comes of it.
3. Some of the first nations are restless asking for a moratorium on mining.