General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club

Met May 1st, 2018 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. President Jerry Morrison opened the meeting at 6:58 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson.  35 members as well as 2 guests: Dave Thompson and Rob Nicolson, both from Kelowna area. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by a show of hands.

  • Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:

Lorne Tkachyk has printed up the 1500 cards. From these on will use website for contact info so next batch will be more generic.


Email to President Gerry from Enderby Chamber of Commerce that they received our membership dues for $57.25.


  • MEMBERSHIPS- by Donna Smith.

33 families are currently paid up members in good standing. 14 Life timers. 3 Honorary members.There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct. However there is half price deal if joining the club from May 1st. on till end of season.

TREASURER’S REPORT- by Mary Erickson,

Income………. $______________ Expenses………..$__________ Balance……..$____________

  • BC OPEN REPORT- by Jonathon Paull

Lorne Tkachyk has volunteered to do the metal detecting and as a floater. We still need volunteers for the pan toss and claim staking, if you are willing, get in touch with Jonathon Paull at ph. #; 250-803-6222: or, email:

Raffle tickets are now available for sale. Please see Donna Smith to get the books of tickets: email, or phone # 250- 309-9117. We need to sell as many of these as we can to make the BC Open a financial success for the club!

Enderby Lions have agreed to put on the pancake breakfasts again. They are currently looking into making sure bacon is available for Terry Regier

Jonathon is getting the word out of this super panning event as much as possible. There is hope it will counter some of the bad press from another goldpanner that does teach and have competitions.

Cindy Rachwalski announced that there will be at least one food vendor at the BC Open. A reminder: we still need a couple of volunteers to do lunches. Donna Smith volunteered to bring enough baking for the weekend.

Terry picked up wood bundles from Ken Montie and delivered them to the RV Park for the bannock baking.

There will be a speed panning event added to the BC Open itinerary this year.

We are looking forward to a successful BC Open in 2018 on the May long weekend. Please find it in your heart to volunteer to help in 2018.

New Business:

Lorne Tkachyk moved that the convenor at the new BC Open experts speed panning event make up the rules for the contestants to follow. Seconded by Pat Yonkman. Discussed, voted on and passed.


Don`t forget to set time aside to attend Lumby days this year; should be a fun time. June 8/9/10

Bring items for the yard sale this weekend at the empty parking lot behind the Forestry office, across from the Performing arts in Vernon. $5 a day per family. Bring your own tables.

If you want a name tag special made then contact Donna Smith, and they will be $5 and will be brought to the BC Open let her know what name you want, printed correctly.


There was a presentation by Sapper Rob Nicholson former Royal Canadian Army Engineer , come Private Investigator and Trades Person. The account of the River of gold that flows into Shuswap Lake was interesting, enthralling and downright fascinating. Rob`s website `bcprospectors` has more details about gold prospects.

Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:

Best Wishes for a happy birthday for May 2018 go out to: Bill Allan    Heather Hopson….Kim Creed    Ted Turner….Sherie Lavalley

Pat Yonkman

Sadly, for those that did not know, Vern Webb has passed away.

Brian Petryshyn won the first nugget door prize, and Brian Petryshyn the second nugget prize.

Merv Mathers won the 50/50 draw $40.50.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Political Liaison and Information Committee.  Report by Rick Peterson

Rick was away this meeting but Donna said she is going to forward emails from Richard Wittner, I think he`s president of the Cariboo Mining Association, so we should be getting a lot of political stuff from that quarter as well. The ministry tends to move quick and often with what seems like malice afore thought so hopefully these guys will keep us placer prospectors- miners up to speed on what`s going on with the politicos.

You can get in touch with Rick at 1-250-681-0908 or email: