General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club

Met May2, 2023 at the Peace Lutheran Church at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. Vice President Attila Vasarhelyi opened the meeting at 7:09 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. There was 19 members in attendance.  The minutes of the last meeting were read. Louie Yonkman moved the minutes be accepted as read , seconded by Bill Allen , voted on, passed.

Correspondence: by Donna Smith -only email asking about the upcoming club event.

-Kim Creed received letter from City of Enderby , Ok to sell goods out of chuckwagon at the BC Open.

-Rick Peterson will drop off documents to city of Enderby on May19, before BC Open , showing our liability insurance is in good standing.


Membership Report by Donna Smith.

-26 families are currently paid up members in good standing.

-14 Life timers in good standing

-1 Honorary member in good standing.

There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct.

Treasurer’s Report by Donna Smith

Income………. $______________ Expenses………..$__________ Balance……..$_____________, Moved to adopt by Bill Alllen , seconded by Kim Creed, passed.

Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:

-Louie Checked with Lion’s club head cook Peter who confirmed that the Pancake breakfast is on during the BC Open on Saturday and Sunday, as far as we can tell Peter has never lost a customer so don’t have to try it on the dog before eating. It will run from 8am to 10am: 10 dollar’s per plate.

The Enderby fire department is coming to the BC Open Gold Championship grounds to fill up the panning tubs on Fiday May 19 at 4:30 pm.

-Rick Peterson got in touch with the Washington Gold Prospectors Club but is still waiting to hear back from Matthew to ask what events they are planning that our members may want to attend.

-Ken Montie with help of Merv Mathers will take the firewood bundles Ken made up for us for the bannock baking contest, and get them stored in the SeaCan for future use and to prevent theft.

BC Open Committee Report by Donna Smith,

BC Open World Gold Panning Championships to take place Saturday May 20, and Sunday May 21,2023. Set up on Friday May19th.

-Donna has emailed out a tentative schedule for the BC Open Gold Panning events.

-BC Open Attendees to book their own sites at Enderby Riverside RV Park or make own arrangements for staying over; talk to Victoria. Note: the park is completely run now by the City of Enderby. Now is a good time to get it done while choices still available.

-Rick Peterson has a key to the sea can.

-after the BC Open is over the 2023 World Champion Gold Panner’s name can be put on the silver plaque on the Great Trophy by an engraver. One engraver is Bob Desi at Authentic Trophies, phone number #####

We need volunteers for this year’s BC Open Gold Panning Championships. Please consider giving a hand to help?

New Business:

-Donna volunteered to pick up the gold pans, part of the winners prizes.

-The Okeefe ranch has asked us to do something on Fathers day, June18th like a learn to pan or bannock baking. Attila said we will confirm doing it at our June 6th meeting if at all possible.

-Rick Peterson is going to contact Lumby organizers about us doing a ‘learn to pan’ at the Lumby Days event on June 9th to 11th.


-Merv |Mathers is going to be doing the announcing at the gold panning championships; pa system to be provided.

-Terry Regier will be yakking it up for the dirt toss

-outing to claim on the Kettle River June 2,3,4 for prospecting/ panning. All are welcome. Pick and shovel provided . Phone Rancid Crabtree at 250-766-4071 for details.


Kim Creed brought in the figures he has made for the display so we can help paint them and trim up the heads. Some of the figures are quite life like and made a lot of us smile. He has even made up a metal detector that Fred’s Gold Panning supplies could manufacture quite economically. We had a quite interesting time with the painting and a few laughs to, some of the comic gold panning figures are very amusing and you can put your face in to get your picture taken.

Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:

Best Wishes for a happy birthday for May 2023 go out to:Bill Allan  Kim Creed   Sherie LaValley   Ted Turner  Pat Yonkman

Gerry Morrison is undergoing chemo and radiation treatment. We hope the results of the recent tests at least give him some answers.

Cindy Rachwalski won the 50/50 draw $46.00.

Otto Breckreuitz won the first gold nugget door prize.

Rita Dreier won the second gold nugget door prize.

Vice President Attila Vasarhelyi adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM.

Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Peterson

Rick said all is quiet on the political front currently, waiting to hear back how the BCPMA President’s meeting in Kamloops with the ministry officials went.