General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met November 6, 2018 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. President Gerry Morrison opened the meeting at 6:55 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. 24 members attended the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by a show of hands.
- Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
- Kim Creed did some excellent research into our association establishing a mining, geology student bursary or scholarship. Donna Smith moved we drop the Bursary/Scholarship plans and use an equivalent or near amount for other promotion of placer prospecting/mining as per our club constitution. Seconded by Rick Peterson. After much discussion in which President Gerry laid out the recommendations from Kim Creed’s research and its implications for the association, the motion was voted on and passed by 14 for, 0 against and the rest abstained.
Letter from the Shuswap travel planner asking if we want to put an ad for the BC Open in the magazine again.
- Email from the Gold Panner Restaurant and Campground asking if we would meet with them to discuss how we could be of mutual benefit to each other.
- Membership Report by Donna Smith.
- 16 families are currently paid up members in good standing.
- 14 Life timers in good standing
- 2 Honorary members in good standing.
- There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct. However there is half price deal if joining the club from May 1st. on till end of season.
Treasurer’s Report by Donna Smith.
Income………. $______________ Expenses………..$__________ Balance……..$_____________, Adopted by a show of hands
- BC Open Report by Jonathon Paull
Jonathon will return next meeting with a full report.
New Business:
- Karen MacKenzie moved and Rick Peterson seconded that we spend some money on getting a space at the sun fun festival in Vernon and put on a placer prospecting/mining display: discussed, voted on and passed.
- Wayne Thompson moved we set up a committee to come up with a club itinerary for the 2019 season. Seconded by Bernie Klewchuk. Discussed voted on and passed.
Robin Jenner__email ph…250-308-7576
Ruth Huizinga__email Ph….250-558-4767 or cell# 250-307-0263
Cal Olsson__email
( if you have ideas please get in touch with one of the above)
- Brent Zvonarich donated three turkeys for the Xmas dinner. Cindy Rachwalski, Pat Yonkman, Brenda Morrison will each be cooking one. The Xmas dinner will be held on the regular meeting night December 4th. Bring a gift for gift exchange and write on it for male or female. Would you please email Donna at or phone 250-549-4395 to let her know what dish you’ll be bringing? We set up at 5 pm and start at 6pm. Happy Holidays!
- We’ll be doing a learn to pan again in conjunction with the Vernon Lapidary and Mineral Club on Nov.17th, 18th. Mike Mackenzie will lead on this. It’s to be held at the Dogwood Gymnasium in the Vernon Recreation Center. Get in touch with Mike MacKenzie at 250-769-0221 or email Any club members willing to assist will be greatly appreciated.
- Looking for ideas to spend money on fulfilling our club constitutional duties. Any ideas? Get in touch with President Gerry Morrison at 250-545-6836 phone or email
Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:
Best Wishes for a happy birthday for November 2018 go out to:
Robin Jenner won the first nugget door prize, and John MacFarlane the second.
Donna Smith won the 50/50 draw $21.00.
The meeting adjourned at 9:01 PM.
Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Petersen
There was the BCPMA general meeting this October in Kamloops. Rick went over the proceedings of that meeting with us in detail: get in touch with Rick at 250-681-0908 or email for any questions, clarifications etc.