Gerry Morrison, president opened the meeting at 7:05 pm. There was no secretary in attendance, so Gerry Morrison read his copy of the last mineeting. Donna Smith will be note taker for tonight.
Attila Vasarhelyi suggested minutes be accepted as read, and passed by Bill Allan.
There were 9 members in attendance. That is down from 11 on our elections meeting of Oct. Between Jerry Stainer, our phoning committee member, and myself, we will be contacting all of current and past members to see if they will be coming back to the club. We need to know if there will be a club or not worth supporting.
Treasurers report was given by Donna Smith..only present members get to know our finances. There was a $100.00 donation from Attila Vasarhelyi, or vice president. Very generous of you. Thank you so much Attila.
There was a discussion about club insurance, and even though it is steep, we all agree that it is necessary. Some mention of needing it- should someone sue the club or should something happen to some of the tents or other club things in storage. It was mentioned that insurance is close to $1800. a year, so we are good for two years without any other unforseen expenses and no income from any events. It was mentioned that once some time back, that even a personal credit card had to be used to keep the club in funds until the BC Open funds came in. That will NOT be the case anymore. Should the club be out of funds, it simply will fold.
Next to discuss will be- should we have an event or not. We have decided that it will be a pared down event, (not likely to be called BC Open anymore) but yes, there will be an event, but strictly for paid members and their family. It will be like a camp out with same kind of games. Less gold to have to supply, but enough to win some. Should a non member or their family want to play, there will be a nominal fee, yet to be decided..either $10 or $20.. To be decided at a later date.
There was no 50/50 draw nor was there a nugget draw, as per vote.
Happy Birthday to:
Mark Panich……Jonathan Paul…..Dave Poirier…..Marilyn Allan….Ryan Courtemanche
Linda Tkaczyk……Jackie Wyndham.
We talked about whether to have a Christmas pot luck as usual, or maybe just meet up in a coffee shop for goodies and coffee, as we had done that in the past. We voted that there WILL be a Christmas dinner. The only ones to attend will be those that are paid up, and their spouse. It will be a pot luck, and you will be ASKED to let me know what you would like to bring, Only those on my CONFIRMED LIST will be welcome. We need to hear from you. 250-309-9117 or email or Jerry Stainer at 250-=549-4395. There will be NO gift exchange, but if you want, you can bring something for the Food bank, and Gerry Morrison has volunteered to look after it. Dinner will be at 6 pm..
There will be no January meeting as per before.
Meeting was adjourned.
Political discussion: Rick Peterson:- he said that he would send me an email to send out to all members. Please try and attend the BCPMA/ACM meeting to be held in Vernon this time. Nov 19.