General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met October 2, 2018 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. President Gerry Morrison opened the meeting at 6:55 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. 28 members attended the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by a show of hands.

* Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
* The gravel from the BC Open cleanup at Pat and Louis Yonkmans place went well. The Yonkmans are fine hosts and have a beautiful setting: it’s hoped we can do the clean-up there again next year. The gold recovered was placed back for use in this year’s BC Open. Once again thanks to the Yonkmans and all the members who came out to help! Thanks to Louie as well for making that new facility for those who camp over.

* Our Lumby day’s participation turned out well in spite of the inclement weather.

* Letter from the Lanthiers asking that the BC Open trophy that they are sponsoring be for placer prospectors under 6 years old participating in the Gold Rush.

* Membership Report by Donna Smith.
* 8 families are currently paid up members in good standing.
* 14 Life timers in good standing
* 2 Honorary members in good standing.
* There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct. However there is half price deal if joining the club from May 1st. on till end of season.

Treasurer’s Report by Mary Erickson.
Income………. $______________ Expenses………..$__________ Balance……..$_____________, Adopted by a show of hands.

* BC Open Report by Jonathon Paull.
Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped make the BC Open such a roaring success this year we are looking forward to an even more successful BC Open in 2019.
We are looking for someone to take over the extra door prizes and silent auction tables, and other heavy lifting duties from Donna Smith at the BC Open. Donna will still handle the computer and mental work as well as advise successor and still take care of tickets at the silent auction tables. She just will no longer have anything to do with being the one to bring everything and setting it all up anymore.
Cindy Rachwalski is in touch with the folks that did the food concession stand and they are willing to come again this year. Cindy is also negotiating with them on behalf of the club for the cost to provide lunches for the volunteers this year. Pat and Bear could use a break from volunteering for this responsibility.
It’s probably a good idea to get in touch with the Enderby RV Park to confirm your site reservation for 2019.
Scholarships were discussed again, and Kim Creed will contact Merv Mathers to see where we stand on things, and go forward to getting it set up, and discussed again at the next meeting.

New Business:
* John McFarland moved we move the refreshment baking allowance up to $10.00. Seconded by Louie Yonkman: discussed, voted on and passed.
* Attila moved we purchase Mary Erickson’s bracelet with gold trim as a BC Open prize for $60.00. Seconded by Wayne Thompson: discussed, voted on and passed.
* Rick Peterson moved that we pay our $200.00 dues to the British Columbia Placer Miners Association. Seconded by Kim Creed: discussed, voted on and passed.
* Brent Zvonarich donated two or three turkeys for the Xmas dinner. The Xmas dinner will be held on the regular meeting night: first Tuesday in December. Bring a minimal $10 gift for gift exchange and write on it for male or female. Donna Smith advised to email her to arrange for what to bring for the food to bring. She will NOT be the one to set up the tables, and chairs, so we will need someone to set up and volunteer for that job
* Ken Cuffe has left us his Santa outfit. It’s thought that this mystical suit would fit Ken Montie perfectly!

* We’ll be doing a learn to pan again in conjunction with the Vernon Lapidary Club. Mike Mackenzie will lead on this. Any club members willing to assist will be greatly appreciated. Mike has hurt his accilies tendon and cannot do much, and needs help with this.

Election Results by Louie Yonkman, Elections Committee Chairman:
President……………………..Gerry Morrison
Vice President……………….Jonathan Paull
Secretary……………………..Cal Olsson
Treasurer……………………..Mary Erickson
VP Membership/Social convenior/raffles and sponsorships…..Donna Smith
Phone Committee Chairperson…Jerry Stainer
Political Liaison & Information Committee Representative…Rick Peterson
BC Open Gold Championships Chairperson……Johnathon Paull.
Volunteer Appointments by President Gerry Morrison were for Refreshments- Donna Smith
Correspondence: Jerry Stainer

Kim Creed regaled us with his account of his gold panning exploits this past season. He displayed some of his findings. It’s obvious he’s going places with his placer mining in BC and in foreign waters as well. The talk was exciting and down to earth: we hope to hear more from him!
Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:
Best Wishes for a Happy Birthday for October 2018 go out to:
Joyce Hall Robin Jenner Ken Montie Lorne Tkaczyk Barb Mathers Terry Regier Donna Smith

Robin Jenner won the first nugget door prize, and Gerry Morrison the second.
Robin Jenner won the 50/50 draw $33.00.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Petersen
There is the BCPMA general meeting this October in Kamloops. All or any of the club members are encouraged to attend: get in touch with Rick at 250-681-0908 about car- pooling and issues you’re concerned about. For example machine mining the Spence’s Bridge public gold panning park area
The prime action will be to elect a new president and executive assistant (secretary). The Cariboo association is pressing hard to get their man or woman in.