February 7th Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miner’s.
Due to illness Ernie could not attend this meeting.
Meeting opened by Lorne Tkaczyk at 7:05pm
28 people attending the meeting.
2 Guests, Brenda Morrison, Gerry Morrison, new to area from Calgary but became a member
Pat and Louis Yonkman received the Lifetime Membership for their long service to the Club. Thanks so much for all your help, both of you.
Minutes were read by Karen MacKenzie with one change of the number of lifetime member from 15 to 14. With Yonkmans as new lifetime members NOW it is 15.
Motioned by Ken Monte
Seconded by Rick Peterson
Old Business
The Club decided to drop the postal box and have mail sent to Donna and Jerry’s to save some money. The keys were returned and deposit returned to the club. Saved the club $170 but also $15.75 for key returns.
Prizes for the BC Open are all purchased and Gold was purchased from Fred’s.
The C Can still needs to be moved to the Campground, just waiting on the snow to go away.
The tents are available again for the BC Open.
Gaming License and 4000 tickets are being printed for the next meeting.
Donations for the door prizes are needed, and silent auction donations. Letters will be available to print off for those that have volunteered to help collect. Donna will see to the trophy sponsors.
The cost of putting on the Open was discussed and the break even amount we need to make from the Games and Sale of the Raffle Tickets.
Lorne Tkaczyk is still looking for someone to learn the ropes of Chairing the BC Open.
Treasurer’s Report by Mary Erickson
Contact Mary if you wish to see the numbers or attend the meeting.
Motioned by Pat Yonkman
Seconded by Donna Smith
Membership Report by Donna Smith
29 paid up Members
3 Honorary Members
15 Lifetime Members
Birthdays for December -due to no meeting
Ernie Erickson, Steve Fulbrook, Fred Lubberts, Geoff Newton, Weta Rachinsky and Gina Schofield
Birthdays for January -due to no meeting
David Bailey, Richard Beifuss, David Lanthier, Linda MacDonald, Harvey Muller, Lynn Noble, Cal Olssen, Liana Bjerstadt, Ruth Huizinga, Pauline Kubiny, Faith Lanthier, Maureen Shvsheski and Marilyn Wallis
Birthdays for February
Ken Cuffe, Allan Walls, Amber MacKenzie, Allan Wood, Valerie Marfleet, Helen Bullock, and Attila Vasarhelyi
New Business
Cindy Rachwalski had her Brother in Law make up new signs for the BC Open. 2 sizes can be zap strapped to posts along the route in Enderby with Direction Arrows.
The Club is open to the idea of a committee for the running of the BC Open but just need to get on it before this BC Open.
Lumby has asked us to return for their Lumby Days. Excellent opportunity to promote the Club and the BC Open for 2018. We will have a float in their parade again and Learning to Pan. Volunteers needed but will address that closer to the Date.
Ernie will be Stepping Down as Club President for the October Meeting due to Health Reasons.
Lorne’s last Meeting will be Christmas 2017.
50/50 Draw Winner, Dave Bailey
Gold Nugget Winners, Jerry Stainer and ?
Political News by Rick Peterson
BCPMA website has a Notice of Work Trial available on their site, just don’t submit it, lol or it will go through.
Rick asked if it was necessary to read the minutes at every meeting. A vote was taken and we will still read the minutes for those who missed the meeting.
NO Guest Speaker for this Meeting.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20pm.