General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club met Feb.6 at 1204-30 Ave. Vernon BC.
President Donna Smith opened the meeting at 7:10 and Cal Olsson was note taker.
11 members were in attendance. December minutes read and accepted by a show of hands.
President Donna Smith gave a shout out to her new Vice President Michael MacKenzie, and noted his absence, due to heavy wet snow.
Donna started off the meeting by giving out thank you cards with $10 as a way to say thank you to those members that went the extra mile to help out the club. Awards were to Attila Vasarhelyi, Kim Creed, Pat and Louis Yonkman, and Cal Olsson. The club thanks you for your help in keeping us afloat. Donna declared this should be an annual achievement award yearly from now on for outstanding members..
Correspondence: Donna smith received an email from Brenda Morrison from a previous email that Gerry had got, and forwarded it on to me to deal with, its from the insurance, and once the form is filled out, we will know more what our bill will be for 2024. If she remembered right, it is due in Feb.
Donna got email from Enderby RV Park, advising everyone to book their campsites, and pre pay to secure them. The earlier you book, more likely to get your desired spot. Donna sent out more than one email to members to make sure everyone knew.
New Business:- Donna Suggested that Brenda Morrison as an honorary member now, have a position in the club too. She agreed to take over memberships. A motion was made by Ken Montie to appoint Brenda to Memberships, Seconded by Attila Vasarhelyi. Discussed, voted on and passed. Please check with Brenda if your phone or email is up to date. See also if your birth month is correct (no year required) as we just like to wish everyone Happy Birthday when it is their month.
There will be a show and tell at the next meeting, so bring your new interesting rocks, for example, maybe a gold sample in some quartz, or perhaps you’ve run across a new style pan, or some new machine. Lets get this meeting more about the members and less about all the BC Open that needs to be discussed.
Donna previously had Gerry Morrison as a second person on the Club accounts. As Gerry has since passed on, there needs to be a second incase something comes up that Donna cannot do. Donna suggested that as she is working more closely with Brenda Morrison, that she should be the second. A motion was made by Louie Yonkman, and Jerry Stainer seconded the motion. Discussed, A show of hands, on all approved. Brenda is to have full signing rights on the bank account if Donna is not available.
Cindy Rachwalski volunteered to help out with always being the ticket sales person for 50/50 and nugget draws. Thanks Cindy. I think your job will be made easier when tickets are all $1 each.
There will be a quick pot luck in April for those that want to attend a meeting to follow.. can come early to visit a bit but 6:30 start time to eat and meeting to follow after. Trying to make this more than just about BC Open. Keep it simple, as it is not like when we have one for Christmas. I will not be phoning to see what to bring..Something for a main course, the club will supply a cake.
Donna asked Pat Yonkman to be an alternate baker for the club coffee time. She said she would be happy to help out. We all know what a good baker she is. Thanks for helping out occasionally.
Donna said we should maybe have a yard sale in May, and will scout out where it could possibly be held. She thinks the lot usually used has changed hands, due to the fact the owner, Jerry Batula has passed on. More updates on that yard sale to come. May needs to be a busy month and high visibility for this club to instill more interest in our big event coming up. Previously we had displays in the Access Center (drivers licences) and also in the Science center. Perhaps we can do something like that again. I have a bunch of those little flyers, and they too will need to go out to places in May..Need everyone to take at least two and find a place for them, like thrift stores, Staples, any businesses with high traffic. Plan on May being a busy month to help out the club.
Perfect timing!! Donna found out Lumby is wanting us on May 11– They are having a car show in town, with businesses to do displays and and outside trade show. We will need at least three people for that so mark your calendars. It would be nice if members would wear their name tags, at the very least, and better yet, a bit of a costume. Hopefully it won’t be too hot for us ladies in crinolines. May 11 is NOT THE SAME as Lumby Days June 15&16 It is a MUST that we do this MAY 11 one, as it is just before our event in Enderby.
June 15 Vernon closes off 30 ave for its Sunshine Festival. Hopefully we can have some kind of booth , even if it is just a mining display. Unfortunately this year, that one clashes with Rick doing the Lumby day event. on June 15&16. Rick said he only wants to do the two days, June 15&16 from noon to 4 pm (longer if busy) He will need at least two more people to help out in Lumby. Anyone want to volunteer and set a info table up (no water involved) no gold to give away. Maybe a bit of a display, and some advertising.
Thanks for the food you brought to the Christmas meeting for the food hamper, it was appreciated when I delivered it to the Salvation Army food bank.
Donna asked everyone to think of who might want to come and do a talk or do a show and tell for our meetings. Previously we have had some interesting speakers, and even a video show or two. Lets get this happening..come up with some ideas.
Donna suggested someone go around to the schools and see if we can get a time slot to talk about gold panning. Maybe in a class, or even after class outside, with or without water. Cal Olsson mentioned how previously a class had a painted paper river and the class could paint it and show where the gold might be found on the river. Donna suggested Kim Creed for this assignment, as he is a good person to encourage things new happening. Kim, if you are reading this, get back to me on it please.
Donna made note that she will NOT be here for the last meeting in June, but that her report from the BC Open will be completed and sent to Michael Mackenzie who hopefully will be able to take over the June meeting in my absence
We need to know who has keys to the c-can and if you have the church key.
Membership report: Brenda Morrison. There are 18 Paid up members in good standing and 5 Honorary members, and 5 honorary.
Dues are now due in Dec. for the coming year for $20 a family rate.
Social Convenors Report– Donna Smith said those birthdays in January were as follows- David Bailey, David Lanthier, Linda MacDonald, Liana Bjerstadt, Ruth Huizinga, Marty Archambault, Maureen Shusheski…
Feb. Birthdays went to- Attila Vasarhelyi , Alan Wood, Heather Montgomery. Happy Birthday wishes to everyone.
Treasurers Report:– Current Bank Balance$____Expenses$___Cash on Hand$____ members must be present, as this will not be public knowledge.
BC Open Report:– Louie will do a gravel audit, and see what is available for Jerry. Jerry said he had only enough gravel for about 5 more pails at the end, so things were close.
Jack Perry and his wife Esther have agreed to come play music at the BC Open, and have booked their spot in the park already. Donna is hoping that Al Goodfellow will come play music also, but has yet to hear back from him.
Cindy and Kim Creed have agreed to work together to do a food booth again, but we still would like to have a hot food booth/truck of some kind. Thanks for taking on that assignment Cindy. Donna will make a trip to Enderby to get a lot of things like permissions for stuff like that.
It was decided last year that Donna be the one to buy one of those mesh tents of our own for the club. We need to have one of our own for Liana. Donna is waiting for some spring sales to come on.
Donna has agreed to do two metal detecting events. Sat night in the dark and Sunday morning about 8-8:30, as there is some overlap with registrations starting at 9 am. Maybe Michael and Karen can invite some of their metal detecting club to come out and try.
Don’t forget there is usually a pancake breakfast from 8-10 am. Its a regular thing they do there, and its open to the public. This was last years time and it was $10. Not sure if things will change for this coming year. It will be on Donna’s things to do in Enderby on her next trip up.
Donna will email a letter head for those of you who will go to some businesses asking for prize donations. Please be brave, ask your employer too. If they don’t have something tangible, money will help out, we give receipts for all donations.
Louie has agreed to canvass the Enderby Armstrong area again for business donations. We need to keep the higher prizes over $50 on silent auction, but anything else at all can be in the “coffee” draw. Just so you all know, the coffee/raffle table pay for the insurance so far, every year. Should you have anything at home that looks new, that is NOT yard sale, but would make a nice gift for someone, and you wish to donate, all donations are appreciated. Our prizes for our games and competitions reflect on how we do with our donations. We can only offer what we bring in, and will NOT go in the hole to impress anyone.
We NEED to buy was put off, but we are desperate now for gold..if you have any you might consider selling, please see Jerry. You can phone to make arrangements 250-549-4395.
We will have one or two main bigger prizes this year, (not sure what) and they will go for $1 a ticket and there will be a draw as opposed to selling raffle tickets. They will be sold in the same booth as the coffee draws.
Donna looked into doing the 50/50 like Rock Creek did, running their 50/50 up to $20,000+. I think it could be done if maybe I had a bit more knowledge, and you do need a special licence. If we are successful in our recooperation of our event this year, maybe we should think about setting something like an open 50/50 up for next year.
50/50 draw at the meeting brought in $15.50. Congratulations to Cal being tonights winner..
Nugget draw winners were Ken Montie and Robin Jenner…way to go!!
Political:– Rick is off with a cold, so he mailed in his report. Essentially there is nothing to report.
- Lumby Days – I was contacted by Ken Caldwell, one the Lumby Days committee members. He was asking if we plan to do our Learn to Pan again this year. Lumby Day is June 14, 15 and 16 th (Friday to Sunday).We do our club June 15th and 16th only, likely noon-ish to 4PM. I will head it up but will need at least two extra bodies for set up, teaching and dismantle.
- As per my conversation with Ken last year, we should be able to charge a nominal fee to be there as our gig is considered a “Family Event”, which Lumby Days pays for. Donna was to ask around what we could charge although I haven’t heard anything about that yet. I don’t know how this sits with our club being a non-profit.
- I will need gold and float $$ for this event. I have vials on hand and a cash box.
- Once I know what we can charge (if anything) I will let Ken Caldwell know as to our participation.