General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met June 4 2024 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. Vice President Mike MacKemzie opened the
meeting at 7:05 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. There were 12 members in attendance. Minutes of last
meeting were read and accepted with a show of hands.
Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
-Ken Montie said he met the engraver downtown, who told him that the BC Open Gold Panning trophies
are all done and picked up by Kim Creed to be put back in the Enderby Information center so that is
finished with for this year.
Membership Report by Brenda Morrison
-23 families are currently paid up members in good standing.
-14 Life timers in good standing
-5 Honorary members in good standing.
-There is a common dues date of December. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Dec. to Dec.
Treasurer’s Report :by Mike McKenzie for Donna Smith
Income………. $______________ Expenses………..$__________ Balance……..$_____________,
Amounts reported at the meeting.
New Business:
-Rick Peterson moved we have our BC Open gold cleanup on July 27th,28th , to start at 10 am. Pat and
Louie Yonkman volunteered to have it at their place in Deep Creek. Louie said there is room if anyone would like to camp over there in their RV. Seconded by Cal Olsson, discussed , voted and passed.
Mike McKenzie enlightened us on how the Vernon Lapidary Association successfully operates their
group. They have solutions that suit them for many of the same things we struggle with. That-a-way we
can compare and see how other groups carry on. Maybe steal a few ideas.
-The June 6th outing to Rancid Crabtees claim on the Kettle River has been moved to June 8th 9th . That
way will be more convenient as on weekend There is place to camp. For details call Rancid Crabtree
at 250-766-4071.
Social Convener’s Report by Brenda Morrison
Best Wishes for a happy birthday for June 2024 go out to: Brenda Morrison, Cal Olsson, Jean Owen, Joan Carlson, Donna Jenner,
The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Peterson
The Fraser River and Ogden Mountain boys and girls will be glad to hear; Rick said that the
moratorium on Jade mining/ prospecting has been put on hold for 5 years (with conditions). For details
get in touch with Rick at 250-681-0908 or email for any questions or comment