General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club

Met March 3, 2019 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC.  Acting President Jonathon Paull opened the meeting at 7:15 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. 26 members attended the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and were adopted by a show of hands.

  • Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:

ü  Sun Fun Festival in Vernon. Rick Peterson is looking at setting up a ‘learn to pan’ event its set for June 20th. Any members willing to help please call Rick at 250-681-0908. Rick has a key to the c-Can to get equipment. They say there is on average 15,000 people who come to this event on the one day so it may get busy. Vernon fire department may fill the panning tubs


ü    Thankyou card from the Schubert Center for  $200.00 donation to help them get their heating system fixed.


  • Membership Report by Donna Smith.

ü 25 families are currently paid up members in good standing.

ü 15 Life timers in good standing

ü 2 Honorary members in good standing.

ü There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct.

Treasurer’s Report by Donna Smith

Income………. $______________ Expenses………..$__________  Balance……..$_____________, Adopted by a show of hands

  • BC Open Report  by Mike Spotten  and Jonathon Paull

The gaming license for 2020 is in place. The raffle tickets are printed up with pictures of the prizes on the back. The books have 10 tickets per book.

Jonathon checked in to see if radio advertising for the BC Open would still be available. Yes, the spots close to or on the day is most promising . Consider if we want to do this again?

Jonathon is going to check if we can get the extra non-crushed gravel we need for the flat panning and main panning events from Salmon Arm Redi-mix.  Attila Vasarhelyi announced he has access to the buckets needed to store the gravel in.

We need volunteers for this year’s BC Open Gold Panning Championships. Please consider giving a hand to help?  Let’s make this year’s BC 2020 Open the best ever!

New Business:

ü    Donna Smith moved we spend approximately $175.00 on getting 500 double sided cards made up advertising the BC Open Gold Panning Championship event. This as put forward by Mike Spotten. Seconded by Rick Peterson; discussed voted on and passed. UPDATE:-(Since the meeting it has been cancelled, as we still have excess, and funds are short)

ü  Ken Montie moved the club get both club insurance and director’s insurance for about $1700.00. Seconded by Donna Smith. The discussion was interesting, what would be nice to know is if someone attending the BC Open (a club event), say, is covered by the club insurance if they are not a club member? Discussed; voted on and passed.

ü  Rick Peterson moved we buy gold for the BC Open from Jerry Stainer for $847.00 for use in the ‘learn to pan’ club events. Seconded by Bill Allen, discussed; voted on and passed.


We had a long and interesting talk with local mining historian and placer prospector/miner Captain Al Woods. Mainly centered on the Monashee, Badshot and Cayush Creek areas. You really had to be there to benefit from this first hand report. Excellent presentation: thanks to Murphy the dog and Captain Al!

Michael McKenzie did a follow up presentation showing us a gold cube type device he has made with a three D printer he has created. Also some vortex riffle sluice mats. They are truly amazing.


ü  Mike Spotten has tested his cells on the Fraser’s Hill’s Bar with some very satisfying results. He announced that he is looking for investors to buy in so he can get help purchasing a zodiac for travelling to and from the bar. This would be a fine investment for the right person willing to work the pay area with him.

ü  Donna Smith announced the Vernon Collectors Club Antiques and Collectables sale is coming up. There are lots of interesting items to see.


Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:

Best Wishes for a happy birthday for March 2020 go out to:  Mel Huizinga    Dan Hurd    Merv Mathers   Diane Fulbrook   Trina Panich   Rita Dreier

Nice to see Pat Yonkman at the meeting after her rescent stroke.  Good for her.


Louie Yonkman won the first nugget door prize, and Jonathon Paull the second.

Dave McFarlane originally won the 50/50 draw but re donated it for another name.  Dave Bailey won the 50/50 draw $26.00.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Political Liaison and Information CommitteeReport by Rick Peterson

Rick says the politicos are quiet right now.  Get in touch with Rick at 250-681-0908 or email for any questions, clarifications , comments etc.