General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met november 7, 2023 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. Vice President Attila Vasarhelyi opened the meeting at 7:15 PM. Note-taker was Cal Olsson. Eleven members were in attendance. Accepted by show of hands.
Correspondence: by Donna Smith
Email from BC Registry of Societies about Reporting Current status of our association.forwarded to Jonathon Paul.
Membership Report by Donna Smith:
26 families are currently paid up members in good standing.
14 Life timers in good standing
1 Honorary member in good standing.
There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct.
Treasurer’s Report by Donna Smith:
Income………. $ Expenses…………….. $ Balance………………Accepted by show of hands.
Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Donna Smith said she was going to try to do some sleuthing to find out:
If the Rock Creek Group would want to take the Sea-Can, and contents if they would want to take over doing the BC Open Gold Panning Championships from us.
If they would hold BC Open in Enderby or the Rock Creek country.
If they really made $20,000.00 on a 50/50 draw.
If their group is stable.
If their groups mission statement is similar to ours (see appendix A)
New Business:
- Attila Vasarhelyi moved we have a Xmas dinner on tuesday december 4th to start at 5: 30 pm with the supper at 6:30 . Seconded by Bernie Klewchuck.No gift exchange this year but donation box for non- perishables to the salvation army. Donna to get in touch with what to bring. Donna volunteered to buy chickens and ham for the club and get volunteers to cook (with gravy). Pat Yonkman volunteered to mash the potatoes. Special Invite to Brenda Morrison and Ruby.Draws for two nuggets . Yearly dues ($20 per family per year). collected at the door. Discussed, voted on and passed.
- Ken Montie moved we give an honarary membership to Brenda Morrison . To be presented at the Xmas dinner with plaque.
- Donna moved we keep the present executive until Xmas dinner where we have elections and discuss future, if any, of group, especially need a president. Seconded by Jerry Stainer. Discussed, voted on and passed.
- Donna announced that, if still going, insurance comes due around February 2024.
Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:
Best Wishes for a happy birthday for November 2023 go out to:
Well wishes go out to Kim Kreed after operation.
The first nugget door prize was won by Brent Zvonarich
The second nugget door prize by Rick Peterson.
Vice President Attila Vasarhelyi adjourned the meeting at 8:45 PM.
Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Peterson
Rick filled us in on BCPMA Annual General meeting in Kamloops Coast Hotel on October 28, 2023. It is a thorough in depth report and for details best get in touch with Rick at; 250-681-0908 or email for any questions, clarifications, comments etc. the two main incidents covered were:
- Tried to increase two Atlin placer miners bonding fees by 500 million$. They refused and even after govt. eventually backed off the two miners packed up and left the area taking with them 100 local jobs and potentially millions in tax and general revenue to bc and local economy.
- First Nations leadership put out proposal to bc govt. to put moratorium on placer mining. Rick went through their proposal supports showing how it was based on mis- information, falsehoods and
Appendix A;
……Vernon Placer Miners Assoc.…Mission Statement
- Promote placer mining and prospecting
- Use best practices available for placer prospecting and mining.
- Respect nature; prospecting and mining in an environmentally sustainable way.
- Support and encourage all those seeking a partial or complete living through placer prospecting and mining activity.
- Promoting recreational placer prospecting and mining with good fellowship.