General Membership Meeting of the Vernon Placer Miners Club
Met October 3, 2017 at the Hall at 1204 30th Ave, Vernon BC. Vice President Lorne Tkaczyk opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. Note-taker was Karen MacKenzie. 28 members and 2 guests, Al and Dorothy Oesch, attended the meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by a show of hands.
Old Business Arising out of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
The gravel from the BC Open cleanup at Pat and Louis Yonkmans place went well Gourmet Breakfasts were dished up by Chef Lorne Tkaczyk. The potluck on Saturday was delightful as was the wiener roast. The Yonkmans are fine hosts and have a beautiful setting: it’s hoped we can do the clean-up there again next year. The blue trailer is sturdy enough to haul the gravel. We could use another cube or equivalent device. Louie got us a good deal on some new five gallon pails with metal bales. Lorne is in the process of weighing up the gold recovered. Once again thanks to the Yonkmans and all the members who came out to help!
Merv brought up that our BC Open advertising isn’t getting out through the chamber of commerce as expected; we should explore other ad avenues.
Merv Mathers hand delivered a copy of the mines reclamation act for us to read.
Membership Report by Donna Smith.
33 families were currently paid up members in good standing as of the last meeting. 11 paid their new dues tonight
15 Life timers in good standing
3 Honorary members in good standing.
There is a common dues due date of October first. Dues are $20.00 per year per family, Oct. to Oct. However there is half price deal if joining the club from May 1st. on till end of season. Guests are always welcome.
Treasurer’s Report by Mary Erickson, read by Lorne Tkaczyk.
Income………. $______________ Expenses……….$__________ Balance…….$_____________, Adopted by a show of hands. You have to be in attendance to hear the figures.
BC Open Report by Lorne Tkaczyk
Thanks to all of the volunteers who helped make the BC Open such a roaring success this year we are looking forward to an even more successful BC Open in 2018.
New Business:
Karen MacKenzie moved we pay $200.00 dues for this year’s membership in the British Columbia Placer Miners Association and travel expenses for our representative to represent the club at the BCPMA general meeting. Seconded by Bill Allen, discussed, voted on and passed.
Lorne Tkaczyk moved we sell the green trailer to Josh Friesen for $50.00. The Club President will have to sign the transfer papers Seconded by Cal Olsson discussed, voted on and passed.
Lorne Tkaczck announced that the Christmas dinner party will be on Tuesday December 5th. Three turkeys for the Xmas dinner will be cooked by his wife Linda. Donna Smith will cook up a ham the old fashioned way for those who abstain from the bird. Lorne will bring a pot luck list to the November meeting. You may also get in touch with Lorne at 250-852-2961 to put what you’re bringing on the pot luck list. Potatoes and gravy are supplied. Bring a wrapped gift (minimum $10) for gift exchange and write on it for male or female if you wish. Each person with a gift will get a ticket, and will also receive one.
Ken Cuffe is attempting to get in touch with Santa Claus to see if he can make it to the Christmas party this year.
The white trailer is free to anyone willing to haul it away.: get in touch with Lorne at 250-852-2961
Election Results by Merv Mathers, Elections Committee Chairman:
President…………………….Gerry Morrison
Vice President………………Jonathan Paul
Secretary…………………….Cal Olsson
Treasurer…………………….Mary Erickson
Membership and social secretary..Donna Smith
Phone Committee Chairman…Jerry Stainer
Refreshments……………….Pat Yonkman
Political Liaison & Information Committee Representative…Rick Peterson
BC Open Gold Panning Championships ……committee members will be announced at the next meeting but Karen MacKenzie has agreed to Chair the Committee.
A member brought in a chunk of zinc ore found in road cut on way to his claim. A reminder that in gold country there are economic minerals to look for besides gold.
Social Convener’s Report by Donna Smith:
Best Wishes for a happy birthday for October 2016 go out to:
Joyce Hall Robin Jenner Iris Manley Ken Montie Margaret Richardson
Barb Mathers Terry Regier Donna Smith Lorne Tkaczyk
Bill Allen won the first nugget door prize, and Jonathon Paul the second.
Merv Mathers won the 50/50 draw $27.00.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Political Liaison and Information Committee. Report by Rick Petersen
There is the BCPMA general meeting this October 21th at the Coast Hotel in Kamloops. All or any of the club members are encouraged to attend: get in touch with Rick at 250-681-0908 about car- pooling and issues you’re concerned about.
Two ministry members have agreed to attend so far
Due to the wild fires this summer miners have been given an ‘equitable’ extension for getting their notice of work reports in. Because of bans and fires many prospectors/miners unable to get to their claims to do the work.